Road Injuries & Mortalities
In 1971, Diani's Beach Road was built which bisected the pristine coral rag forest. As development increased, vehicle traffic also increased and monkeys crossing the road became at risk of road injuries and mortalities. During the dry seasons the numbers of individuals being hit by vehicles increases, as this is the time of reduced food availability and the monkeys need to increase their foraging areas and subsequently cross the road more often in search for food, water and sleeping sites. Vervets get hit more often during the high tourist season.
On average 55 monkeys are hit by vehicles each year while crossing this nine kilometer stretch of road.
Colobus Conservation works to reduce these statistics by painting speed bumps, building aerial ladders(Colobridges) across the road and providing a general 'go slow' campaign.
You can help us tackle this problem by making donation towards the annual maintenance of our Colobridges - Click here to donate to maintain a Colobridge