Through education workshops Colobus Conservation promotes awareness of conservation and primate issues in the local community and to schools and students of all ages.
Every year we work with thirty six schools in the Kwale County of south eastern Kenya bringing each school to our facilities every week. Annually, more than 1,000 children attend these workshops with about thirty children attending from each school. Our trained staff lead games and activities as the children fill in a workbook that they carry with them and take with them at the end of the day. The workshop encourages the children to appreciate the natural environment and to take an interest in wildlife and its conservation. We provide the program free of charge for all schools within our mandate and have specific itineraries for kindergarten, lower primary, upper primary and secondary students.
We have also been involved in setting up wildlife clubs in some of the local schools, assisting with building classrooms and providing books, and specific teacher-training on wildlife issues.